From Manual Labour to Automatic Generation of Data Quality Checks
Aleksandr Madumarov
Innovation Centre "Bezopasnyj transport" GKU CODD
Innovation Centre "Bezopasnyj transport" GKU CODD
Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) with a degree in automated control systems. In 2014, she got into her first project to build data warehouses. Since then, Galina has participated as an analyst in many similar projects in various banks, until in 2018 she was lucky enough to get to the Innovation Centre "Bezopasnyj transport" for a project to create a data warehouse for the Department of Transport of Moscow from scratch. During her time on this project, she grew from an analyst to the head of analytics and participated in projects to build real-time and retrospective reporting and dashboards for the management of the Department and its subordinate organisations.
IC's stack: Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Vertica, PostgreSQL, Python, Visiology, Grafana.
Innovation Centre "Bezopasnyj transport" GKU CODD