DataFrame — present and future
Alexander Borgardt
Evgeny Seliverstov
Company: Agro Software
Nikolay Markov
Company: Rayo Data
Pavel Filonov
Company: Independent consultant
Company: Rayo Data
An infrastructure-dealing engineer with almost 10 years of software development using various programming languages and platforms. About 8 years of Python programming experience as well as ~3 years of using Go, good knowledge of web technologies. Teaching, mentoring, writing and translating articles on Python, Linux, Big Data, clouds, networking and algorithms. Expertise includes distributed and high-performanced systems, networking, algorithms, concurrency/parallelism, capacity planning and basic statistical data analysis. DevOps and CI/CD enthusiast.
Company: Agro Software
Company: Rayo Data
Company: Independent consultant
Company: Independent consultant
Company: Altenar
Company: Klarna
Company: Gett
Company: Yandex
Company: Sber
Company: Yandex
Company: Aligned Research Group
Company: Arenadata
Company: Yandex
Company: Aligned Research Group
Company: Yandex
Company: Aligned Research Group
Company: JUG Ru Group
Company: Aligned Research Group
Company: JUG Ru Group
Company: Pochta.Tech
Company: Aligned Research Group
Company: Yandex
Company: Yandex
Company: Aligned Research Group
Company: MTS
Company: Yandex
Company: Aligned Research Group
Company: Evolution